Welcome to ProRISK
We invite you to learn more about Professional Risk Underwriters (ProRISK); our staff, our insurance partners, our product capabilities, how we do business and how we offer protection for Boards of Directors with comprehensive insurance coverage and our proprietary Governance Evaluation service.

ProRISK is one of Canada's leading Managing General Insurance Agencies and is fully tribunalized as a coverholder at Lloyd's of London, which is the world's specialist insurance and reinsurance marketplace. ProRISK is comprised of experienced insurance professionals and executives, who have been involved in the Canadian and global directors and officers insurance market for many years. With more than 75 years of combined underwriting, brokerage and consulting experience, ProRISK's senior management team is well known to brokers and major Boards of Directors across the country and provides the experience, coverage, rigour and expertise brokers and clients are looking for. We operate as ProRisk Agencies in British Columbia.